Friday, February 21, 2014

Obama Labels Veterans ‘Incompetent’ In Order To Confiscate Their Guns


President Barack Obama is declaring U.S. veterans incompetent in order to confiscate their firearms one-by-one.

Last year, the Obama administration began notifying veterans of their incompetence, and ordering them to hand over their guns. Over 129,000 veterans received notices demanding they surrender their firearms, and the numbers are continuing to grow.

In addition to ordering the surrender of firearms, the federal government is trying to halt benefits payments to veterans. The Obama administration believes if it labels older veterans “incompetent,” then the government won’t have to issue them their benefits.

On Feb. 20, former President George W. Bush spoke on the topic of veterans’ rights. He proposed the federal government improve treatment and care of older veterans, as well as, those who’ve recently returned from the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Bush emphasized that veterans need help acclimating back into American society, rather than being ostracized as the Obama administration has aimed to do.


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