Saturday, May 10, 2014

Report: Radicalized Muslims More Educated and Well Off Economically


In a public statement released after the 9-11 attacks, Barack Obama blamed “a climate of poverty and ignorance” for the assault on America. Obama has repeated this claim that poverty breeds terrorism over the years.
Nope. Wrong again.
A recent study from Denmark found that radicalized young Muslims more often than not were educated and well off economically.
10NewsDK reported, via Jihad Watch:
Researcher in Islamism Marco Goli from Metropolitan University College in Copenhagen concludes that radicalized young Muslims are often what one would consider well-integrated: They are better educated than average and also perform better economically and socially, and will therefore be largely able to maintain a double life.
“In relation to the parameters that we normally measure integration, they are in great shape,” says Marco Goli, who in 2010 co-authored a major study of Islamism from the Centre for Studies in Islamism and Radicalisation at Aarhus University, Denmark. …”

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