Thursday, June 2, 2011


ANOTHER LEFTIST ATTACK… Sarah Palin’s Bus Defaced With “Media Whore” Sign (Video)

Another Day – Another Leftist Attack
The left must be very proud tonight. Far left criminals defaced Sarah Palin’s bus tonight.
The Blaze reported:">
Gawker has more.

The left is upset that Sarah Palin just won’t go away.

Palin’s Bus Vandalized With ‘Media Whore’ Sign

Jim Newell —Sarah Palin was still in New York earlier today when one of the city's seven million resident commies managed to "tag" her garish AmericaBus.

The good folks at Rumproast have posted several photos of this sign, "I, THE MEDIA WHORE," which was sacrilegiously placed over a monster image of the preamble to the United States Constitution for nearly 15 minutes. The bus was parked outside Fox News headquarters. Palin was inside, sacrificing several large albino alpacas to Fox News chief Roger Ailes as part of a standard fealty ritual.

Is it okay to call Sarah Palin a "media whore"? Let's have a National Conversation on Sexism, in the comments. But yes, it is.

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