Tuesday, November 25, 2014

No Respect For The Rule Of Law: Obama - 'It’s “Understandable” to “be Angry” Over Wilson Decision'


In a statement tonight, President Obama said that it is “understandable” to “be angry” with the grand jury after they decided not to indict officer Darren Wilson.

He also called on the police to “distinguish” between “a handful of people” who will loot and be violent and the “vast majority” of people who want their voices to be heard.

He then talked about the “legacy of racial discrimination” in the United States, saying that many people rightfully do not trust law enforcement.

The President did, however, call on protesters to march peacefully.

“This is an issue for America,” he concluded. “What is also true is that there are still problems, and communities of color aren’t just making these problems up.”

Why the President said this considering the overwhelming evidence released from the grand jury decision is unclear.

Obama-on-the-phone-at-desk (1)


Aurelius is the Managing Editor and co-founder of Pundit Press. Pundit Press is one of the leading and most well respected news and information websites on the internet today. Pundit Press offers breaking news, in-depth reporting, and opinion writing. Pundit Press Radio has quickly become one of the leading internet broadcasters with some of the top conservative hosts and shows on the web today. 


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