Monday, November 24, 2014

Obama: Illegal Alien Wife Beaters Who Claim To Have an Abusive Childhood…Can Stay


A recent Department of Homeland Security (DHS) internal memo has revealed a new policy, which will allow untold numbers of illegal aliens who have been convicted of domestic violence to avoid deportation. The measure is part of Obama’s ‘executive order amnesty.’
On Nov. 20, DHS chief Jeh Johnson issued the memo, entitled “Policies for the Apprehension, Detention and Removal of Undocumented Immigrants,” which among other items, classifies illegal aliens with domestic violence convictions as “Priority 2″ offenders.
The memo states:
“Aliens described in this priority , who are also not described in Priority 1, represent the second-highest priority for apprehension and removal. Resources should be dedicated accordingly to the removal of the following: aliens convicted of a “significant misdemeanor,” which for these purposes is an offense of domestic violence…”
However, a footnote to the paragraph reads:
“ln evaluating whether the offense is a significant misdemeanor involving ..domestic violence,” careful consideration should be given to whether the convicted alien was also the victim of domestic violence; if so, this should be a mitigating factor.”
In other words…he gets to stay!
So, if an illegal alien is convicted of domestic violence for beating his girlfriend or wife, he can simply claim that he was once a victim of abuse as well, and he can continue to live his life in what is becoming a lawless nation.
This is yet another ploy by a criminal president to allow criminal aliens to stay in the country.


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