Friday, November 28, 2014

Obama Signs Executive Order Indicting Officer Wilson!


Joan Crawford Adolph Hitler has risen from the grave.

Obama Signs Executive Order Indicting Officer Wilson!

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 The White House has announced that President Obama will sign an Executive Order indicting Officer Wilson for the shooting of Michael Brown. True to form, President Obama was quoted as saying “The hell with the Constitution, double jeopardy be damned!” This comes as no surprise given his total disregard for the Constitution of late and his willingness to act unilaterally more like a King, than an equal third of a government, designed to provide a system of checks and balances representative of all American’s.
President Obama boldly stated in his last State of the Union address that he had a pen and a phone and would act on his own in instances where he could not get the cooperation of Congress. With the full backing, support, and protection of the nation’s chief law enforcement officer, President Obama apparently feels he can now extend his Executive Powers into matters typically reserved for individual states, directing the Attorney General for the State of Missouri, by Executive Order, to arraign Officer Wilson on murder charges.
As if a move like this is not ludicrous enough, Eric Holder has already announced that this move by the President will not interfere with his ongoing civil rights investigation of Officer Wilson and the Ferguson Police Department. With Al Sharpton occupying more time in the ears of President Obama and Eric Holder than Valerie Jarrett of late, you can bet finding a way to make this about race is a top priority!
The American people will continue to ask just how much their elected officials are going to continue letting Obama get away with, but will no doubt continue to allow him to rule as a King, ignoring the Constitution and the rights of American people. I would not be surprised if President Obama ends up signing an Executive Order, eliminating the Presidency and making himself King to rule indefinitely.
Will the American people stop him? I say it’s doubtful… Let’s face it, most people could care less what happens in government as long as they continue to live their privileged lives, or receive enough “entitlements” monthly to survive on.
If you are livid right about now wondering how in the hell something like this could possibly be true, then chances are you are one of the more informed American’s familiar with the Constitution and principles this nation was built on… And you are right… This story is total BULL SHIT! It is total satire, with just a slight hint of some current events and recent trends with government in it…
The scary thing is, with just a smidgen of truth smeared into this, it was enough to make you start to take it seriously… Enough to make you pause and wonder… Is this true? That should tell those of us that have our eyes open, that we have serious problems in this country and that the very foundation this nation was built on is shifting and in danger of collapsing…
So I ask you… My fellow American’s… What will you do? Will you work to change things? Will you fight to restore this country to the exceptional position we once held in this world? Or will you just continue to accept the status quo? How do you think the average American can help restore this nation to greatness?


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