Sunday, June 1, 2014

Father of American Soldier Freed From Taliban Deletes a Very Disturbing Tweet


by  on JUNE 1, 2014 · 4 COMMENTS

On Saturday morning the Obama administration happily announced that we were now negotiating with terrorists and that Bowe Bergdahl would be freed in an agreement with the Taliban that would allow five dangerous terrorists to be released from Guantanamo Bay. Bowe’s father Bob Bergdahl appeared with Obama for the announcement:

But, as many have pointed out, he deleted this very controversial tweet he had posted a few days ago:
Here’s one person who caught it:

Given that there’s a lot of doubt being cast on the official story, how does this change the calculation on whether Obama should have completed this trade?

Hillary Takes Benghazi SO Seriously, She Hired The ‘Dude, That Was Like Two Years Ago’ Bro to Pitch Her Book!

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