Monday, July 28, 2014

14 Ft. Tall Marijuana Bushes in Eastern Washington By October


The start of legal weed sales in Washington was more of a soft launch than a grand opening. But big things are afoot. Specifically, Eastern Washington’s newly legal pot farmers are expecting twelve- to fourteen-foot-tall monster outdoor marijuana bushes come harvest season.

The Stranger’s insightful feature, "Where Does Your Legal Weed Come From?" takes readers on a tour of Washington's legal mega-farms, and it's guaranteed to make some California growers salivate.

click to enlargeEastern Washington's first season of legal outdoor weed could reach heights of fourteen-feet-tall. Above, a Northern California outdoor grow. - COURTESY OF KYM KEMP
  • Eastern Washington's first season of legal outdoor weed could reach heights of fourteen-feet-tall. Above, a Northern California outdoor grow.

As California struggles to regulate even medical marijuana, it's great to see regulations actually working in Washington. Man-sized pot plants are an attractive robbery target, so Washington licensees must install adequate security measures. It’s already working.
“Earlier this month, a man jumped over the fence to steal a handful of early-maturing plants. ‘He set off the alarm when he opened the greenhouse,’ says the farmer, pointing to a hut in the corner of his field of pot bushes. ‘The cops were very happy to help me out. He is in jail now.’”

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