Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Climate spin – more than just a game, it’s ‘Wheel of Gore’


Over at Ben Garrison’s website, he writes about climate change and produces a grrraphic.
One thing I don’t like about true believers is they like to set up extreme negatives for those who disbelieve.
Whistleblowers who don’t go along with statism are called ‘traitors’ and threatened with imprisonment. Don’t believe in war? You’re unpatriotic. Don’t agree with Obama? You’re racist. Don’t agree with Hillary? You’re sexist.
Don’t believe in global warming, er, climate change? Your intelligence is questioned and your character impugned. You get called a stupid racist redneck or a planet hater. Some statists have even called ‘climate deniers’ to be imprisoned.
Yep. But at least Ben can visualize the climate spin and laugh about it afterwards.


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