Now, one of the biggest pro-abortion groups in the country is upset and has started a lobbying campaign to get its members to pressure GoFundMe to bring back crowdunfunded abortions.
NARAL is not happy that crowdfunding website GoFundMe has taken down a woman’s attempt to crowdfund her abortion and is prohibiting future attempts for people to use its service to raise money to kill their unborn children.
LifeNews.com broke the story last week about a woman named Bailey who was using the crowdfunding web site GoFundMe to raise money for her abortion. GoFundMe eventually made public a response to why it shut the attempt down.

The NARAL petition reads:
GoFundMe is a popular online fundraising site where you can raise money for personal projects or issues you care about. Lots of people use it to help pay for expensive medical emergencies. But GoFundMe just announced a new policy that restricts people from raising money to help pay for an abortion.You know what else GoFundMe restricts raising money for? Terrorism, violence, and drugs. That’s right, they consider abortion in the same category as terrorism and violence.Abortion is standard medical care that one in three women needs. They don’t need stigma, shame, or judgment.Sign our petition with our friends at UltraViolet to tell GoFundMe to take abortion off its list of banned content.Tell GoFundMe Founders Brad Damphousse and Andy Ballester:
Women seeking abortion shouldn’t be categorized alongside terrorists and criminals. Abortion is safe, legal, and standard medical care accessed by one in three American women. Remove abortion from your list of banned fundraisers.
LifeNews blogger Lauren Enriquez says Bailey should consider placing her baby for adoption, instead of pursuing an abortion.
“As an alternative, Bailey could consider carrying her baby to term (which would probably take another 17-20 weeks), and placing him or her with an adoptive family,” she said. “This option wouldgenerously provide for her medical and other needs before and after pregnancy, and ensure that her child retains his or her own right to grow up to “support her friends in prison,” “drink Rockstar,” and “see a show or two.”
ACTION: Thank GoFundMe for stopping crowdfunding of abortions athttp://www.gofundme.com/mvc.php?route=contact/suggest
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