Monday, August 4, 2014

UNICEF leaks stats on family reunification


Trick or Treat from UNICEF:


Violence, Insecurity and Impunity in the Phenomenon of Migration in Guatemala

In 2010, about fourteen people emigrated from Guatemala every hour for various reasons. In Guatemala, more than thirty percent of the population benefits from remittances. This population includes two million children and adolescents. 

Remittances undoubtedly represent an important source of funds for these homes, but these financial benefits go hand in hand with a human drama: separation and, eventually, family disintegration..

This paper analyzes the risks of migration in a country where high levels of impunity affect those who leave and those who remain in the country. It describes how the profile of migrants and of Guatemalan households benefiting from remittances has changed and also where and what type of development is generated and the impact of migration on the country's children and adolescents. The second part discusses how the violence generated by organized crime and drug trafficking influences and impacts the lives of Guatemalan society.


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